Each month we reward members from our team who have gone above and beyond their duties and earned Merchandiser of the Month.
There were many nominees from the team leaders this month, however the winner was chosen due to showing dedication to the job and amazing teamwork.
We’re delighted to announce that March’s Merchandiser of the Month has been awarded to Phil Scarborough.
Phil works extremely hard and is a fantastic member of the team. Team Leader, David Brady, has said:
“When it comes to Phil, you can always rely on him to do his best. He never complains and he deserves to be credited for what he knows and his ability to do his job to a high standard. I personally think Phil could step up and run his own team as he knows every piece of equipment, every planogram and he would be an asset to the company as a Team Leader.”
A special mention also goes to Paul Bland and Clinton Bruce who have also shown exceptional performance.
Every Merchandiser of the Month wins a £40 voucher – congratulations, Phil!