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HSE guidelines: What are they?

If you run a warehouse there will be numerous health and safety rules and regulations you must follow, from ensuring your staff are protected and correctly following rules, to how you store your stock. But, what exactly are the guidelines set out by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for your racking installations?

According to HSE guidelines, which aren’t legally binding but if followed are normally enough to comply with the law, it is recommended that any contractors inspecting or installing racking in your warehouse are some sort of SEMA approved expert. However, it is a warehouse owner’s legal responsibility to ensure that any people working in their warehouse are “competent”. The HSE CDM regulations state that if an owner has reason to believe that the person working in their warehouse is not “competent” and they do nothing about it, they are breaking the law.

While the HSE guidelines don’t have to be followed to the letter (unless stated explicitly as law or legal advice), they are a good starting point for companies new to occupational safety legislation. Making sure you actively follow the guidelines is good practice in ensuring your racking and warehouse are safe.

The HSE guidelines also cover what you should do before you even have a contractor in your warehouse to install your racking – and what we covered in our blog “does your warehouse need redesigning?” – and that’s to ensure you thoroughly plan. Before having new racking installed in your warehouse, it’s important to ensure your plans are efficient and safe – one way to be sure of this is to work with a SEMA approved installation company who is dedicated to the continuous improvement of their business.

Once you have the best possible racking installed in your warehouse, it is important to ensure it undergoes regular inspections and maintenance by, you guessed it, a SEMA approved company. The HSE recommends that you have an inspection at least once a year to ensure your racking is up to standard.

As a SEMA approved installation company and all our installers registered under SEIRS, you can be sure all your warehouse installations are completed to the best standard and comply with the law. We also provide a tailored aftercare plan to all our customers – all customers receive regular racking condition surveys and we assist them in demonstrating best practice as part of their own health and safety structure. All surveys and inspections are carried out to the Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) guidelines.

Get in touch with the Bluestones One Retail team to find out how we can help you.

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