How did your journey at Bluestones One begin and what has it been like since?
I work part-time as Project Support. I support the resource team with day-to-day tasks and any issues that crop up during my shift.
How would you usually start your day at work?
Coffee!! I always arrive a little earlier than my start time to make a coffee and start my mornings work. I check my emails from the previous day and then ask my line manager what tasks to get on with.
What does a typical day at work look like for you?
As part of my role, I coordinate and communicate with our team members who are out in the field to discuss their upcoming work schedule.
I’m also responsible for confirming our team’s shifts, sourcing and recruiting new staff members and checking their role understanding through telephone interviews. I also ensure that everyone is efficiently set up on our Bluestones Scheduler app and take charge of requesting hotel bookings for those working out in the field.
What do you find challenging?
Not knowing everything! I also wish I had two sets of ears and arms to be able to help everyone but sometimes there are not enough hours in the day!
What do you enjoy about the role?
I enjoy everything, but the main part is probably recruitment as this is something I have done in previous roles.
What is the best thing about working for Bluestones One?
The people. I’m still learning especially with the new systems but I feel comfortable asking questions when I’m not 100% sure.