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Each month we reward members of our team who have gone above and beyond their duties and earned Employee of the Month and this winner was chosen due to their dedication and work ethic.

We’re delighted to announce that March’s Employee of the Month has been awarded to Sam Bradshaw!

Sam has been awarded Employee of the Month for working extremely hard and always going above and beyond his duties. His tireless work ethic and attention to detail have not gone unnoticed, and he has been recognised as a role model for others in the workplace.

Sam’s team leader, Sam Gidman, has said:

“Sam sets an excellent example and works extremely hard for the team, always striving to achieve our high standards and objectives. He is consistently getting good feedback and works extremely hard for the team.

A special mention also goes to Phil Scarborough and Wayne Nealings who have also shown exceptional performance.

Every Employee of the Month wins a £40 voucher – well done, Sam!

Meet the team: Brian Gudgin

Meet Brian Gudgin: Team Leader

Tell us about your role at Bluestones OneI’m a Team Leader. How would you normally start your day at work?Before I start work, I arrive early to check what needs be done and set the team up for the day. What does a typical day at work look like for you?Profiling bays, merchandising, and making sure the team work correctly. What do you enjoy?I enjoy working with a variety of people and contracts. What’s the best thing about working at Bluestones One?I enjoy that the job keeps me busy and the team always help sort out any problems that occur.

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