Quality & Compliance - Site Visit Form Store DetailsStore group(Required)Name of person carrying out visit(Required)Email of person carrying out visit(Required)richard.jones@bluestonesone.co.ukandy.smethurst@bluestonesone.co.ukgary.lowe@bluestonesone.co.ukjanet.billingham@bluestonesone.co.uksimon.stockport@bluestonesone.co.ukmark.goulding@bluestonesone.co.ukmartin.sweeney@bluestonesone.co.ukashley.jewitt@bluestonesone.co.ukStore nameStore contact(Required)Date of visit(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Shift timesTeam leaderTeam sizeTeam Member ComplianceIs a full team on site and were they all on time? Yes No CommentsHave all team members signed in? Yes No CommentsAre all team members wearing the correct company uniform? Yes No CommentsAre there any new starters on site and are they receiving training? Yes No CommentsHealth & Safety ComplianceHave the team read and signed the Risk & Method statement? Yes No CommentsHave the team had a site induction? Was one given to you? Yes No CommentsAre team members following SSOW and wearing the correct PPE? Yes No CommentsIs the work area tidy, with no trip hazards? Yes No CommentsAre fire exit routes kept free of hazards and clearly signed? Yes No CommentsStore Representatives FeedbackQuality of work: Team Leader Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent Quality of work: Team Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent Level of productivity: Team Leader Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent Level of productivity: Team Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent On site behaviours: Team Leader Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent On site behaviours: Team Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent New starters: Team Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent Star performers Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent Under achievers Poor Below Expectation To Expectation Above Expectation Excellent Any other commentsStore representative commentsGeneral comments