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Case Study: Nationwide Store Surveys


Bluestones One were proud to be offered the opportunity to support a key client in surveying 479 Food Halls of one of the UK\’s leading retailers throughout the UK.

We were asked to attend each location over a 15 day period to identify and record what equipment types the Food Halls had and the condition of the equipment. As well as front of house, we were asked to record the dimensions of the back of house Freezer and Warehouse racking and report back on a pre-agreed survey template and with an image of the in-store Bakery.


The main challenge was ensuring that each of the team members we had identified to complete the surveys understood the reason for the surveys, what we were aiming to achieve, the equipment types they would come across and the reporting process. This was overcome with a full store briefing of the teams and ensuring they had a full understanding of each element.

Once this was complete, each surveyor had a specific route to follow. We have various options for reporting back on this type of activity, from client portals through to good old fashioned paper-based reporting. We agreed the best method for the client and the teams followed this to the letter.


Bluestones One achieved the full 479 store schedule in 15 days and delivered all data back to the client as per their request.

How to improve your POP installation

How to improve your POP installation

We know how important point of purchase (POP) installations are in a retail environment, which is why it can be really frustrating when something goes wrong with them or they are not working as effectively as they could be.

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Meet the team: Brian Gudgin

Meet Brian Gudgin: Team Leader

Tell us about your role at Bluestones OneI’m a Team Leader. How would you normally start your day at work?Before I start work, I arrive early to check what needs be done and set the team up for the day. What does a typical day at work look like for you?Profiling bays, merchandising, and making sure the team work correctly. What do you enjoy?I enjoy working with a variety of people and contracts. What’s the best thing about working at Bluestones One?I enjoy that the job keeps me busy and the team always help sort out any problems that occur.

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