How did your journey at Bluestones One begin and what has it been like since?
I was lucky enough to be one the first to join Bluestones One and since joining the business we have grown significantly, we are now a strong business with a great reputation for being customer and people focused.
Why do you enjoy about working in this industry?
Everything! From interacting with customers to visiting stores and meeting the teams that do the hard work at the shelf edge. I have some great relationships with customers and our field teams which we have built over time. Every day is both challenging and rewarding and I can’t imagine ever working in any other industry than this one.
What is your proudest professional moment?
It is really difficult to pick just one moment as there have been many in my career. But if I had to pick one, it would have to be when we won ‘Best New Business’ at the Bluestones Investment Group Awards. To share this accolade with my fellow Directors made me very proud indeed.
What are your values as a leader?
I have 3 values I tried abide by in everything I do:
1. Lead by example. 2. Respect everyone. 3. Always be honest.
How would you describe the company culture at Bluestones One?
There is a strong work ethic within our management team, everyone works collaboratively to ensure that we deliver the best possible service. It is very much a ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ mentality and in everything we do we try our best to ensure we respect each other and our field teams.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Any spare time I have is spent following Liverpool Football Club, playing football with my son or going on family adventures such as camping with my partner, son, and daughter.