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One of our manufacturing partners required a merchandising supplier to implement a new Evape layout in 200 Asda stores over a four week period. This is one of a number of strategic partnerships that Bluestones One have developed in order to deliver a variety of retail solutions.


With stores all over the country, the manufacturer required a partner that could effectively complete all 200 stores in a timely manner. We deployed 10 merchandisers on this project for four weeks to cover the length and breadth of the country, ensuring that the new layout was implemented with 100% compliance.

The merchandising team reported via our internal web-based reporting function to enable us to update the manufacturer on a daily basis with progress along with photos of each completed store.


The project was a great success and we have since been allocated further stores to implement in phase 2 of the programme.

As a result of this project, we have now become the manufacturer’s merchandising partner of choice for all future projects.

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